From early childhood, the behavior of each of us is corrected by a probable observer. A mother, an educator, a teacher, a policeman and, with the rest, the all-seeing eye of one's own conscience. But is it really omniscient?The study "Cues of being watched enhance cooperation in a real-world setting" found that even the illusion of external observation encourages people to cooperate. Students were three times more likely to tip for drinks in a cafe when a poster of eyes instead of flowers hung above the money box.It is not surprising that people tend to give in when no one can see, but it is amazing that paper eyes affect our psyche as if they were alive!
Probably, portraits of rulers in the offices of officials had the same effect (the portrait always looked at the visitor to the office and called for order and respect), but today such measures are clearly not relevantThe "Watcher" project is a neutral image that contemplates space carefully and gently. A two-meter face appears from the fabric of the wall, as if breaking through it. This is a research project that requires a stay in public space.The location of the sculpture has been determined, but the project is currently on hold due to the war in Ukraine.
The Watcher


The Watcher
